About Us
Kelly and Kristin are two working moms with a shared interest in cooking, baking, and gardening. We’ve been friends since high school, though these days our friendship requires a multitude of e‑mails, Skype calls, online chats, and the occasional plane ticket, as Kelly lives in Milwaukee and Kristin has moved abroad to the Irish countryside. After swapping recipes and menus for years, we created this blog to serve as a kind of archive of our food exchanges as well as to inspire others to cook creative, tasty dinners for themselves and their families.
For years now, both of us have sat down with our cookbooks, magazine clippings or bookmarked blog recipes to plan out the meals for the week for our families. Most of the time this is something we enjoy doing, rather than a chore, since we both love to cook and bake. But there are plenty of times too when we’re tired or uninspired, when nothing sounds good or we’ve left it to the last minute. So Kristin got to thinking that it would be a good idea to pool her resources with Kelly, and from there, sharing our menus on a blog was a natural next step.
Our blog is different from most other cooking blogs out there in that we’ll be posting a menu, not just a single recipe (unless it’s a one-dish dinner like pasta or stew). Oftentimes when reading blogs or flipping through cookbooks, we think a particular side dish or main course looks great, but are still left to come up with other dishes to serve it with. We hope that our blog will make things that much easier for other busy cooks by providing a complete meal all in one go.
So be sure to subscribe in a blog reader or via email so you never miss a recipe or have to wonder what to have for dinner again!
From our kitchens to yours,
Kelly & Kristin